Pou-Chun (Frank) Kung

I am a PhD student in University of Michigan--Ann Arbor (UM). I am currently a research assistant at Ford Center for Autonomous Vehicle (FCAV) advised by Prof. Katie Skinner. Before that, I worked in Self-Driving Car Team at Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), Taiwan, with Prof. Chieh-Chih (Bob) Wang. I received my M.Sc. in Robotics at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU), advised by Prof. Chieh-Chih (Bob) Wang and Prof. Wen-Chieh (Steve) Lin. Before I started my master's study, I had a wonderful time working with Prof. Nikolay Atanasov at UC San Diego. Prior to that, I received my B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from National Sun Yat-sen University (NSYSU). During my undergraduate study, I was an undergraduate research assistant advised by Prof. Kao-Shing Hwang.

My research interest lies in the intersection of robotics and computer vision. My research is focused on robot perception and state estimation. Particularly, I am fascinated with building robust robotic systems and joint research on machine learning and dynamic simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM).


Latitude AI
Perception Team Intern
May. 24 - Now


PhD in Robotics
Sept. 22 - Now


M.Sc. in Robotics
Sept. 19 - Sept. 21


Research Intern
Jul. 19 - Sept. 19


B.Sc. in EE
Sept. 15 - July. 19

  • [11/2024] Receive the Rackham International Students Fellowship/Chia-Lun Lo Fellowship
  • [05/2024] Join Ford/Latitude AI as an intern in perception team
  • [05/2024] LONER won RA-L 2023 Best Paper Award! Standing out among over 1,200 accepted papers.
  • [10/2024] One paper accepted by CVPR 2024 workshop
  • [10/2023] One paper accepted by RA-L 2023
  • [09/2022] Join Ford Center for Autonomous Vehicles (FCAV) lab at UM
  • [03/2022] Join Taiwan (R.O.C) Marine Corps. Semper Fi!
  • [01/2022] Join Self-Driving Car Team at Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI)
  • [01/2022] My paper on radar occupancy prediction is accepted by RA-L'22.
  • [09/2021] Receive The Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor.

LiHi-GS: LiDAR-Supervised Gaussian Splatting for Highway Driving Scene Reconstruction
Pou-Chun Kung, Xianling Zhang, Katherine A. Skinner, and Nikita Jaipuria
Under Submission

abstract | bibtex | paper | project page

          title={LiHi-GS: LiDAR-Supervised Gaussian Splatting for Highway Driving Scene Reconstruction},
          author={Kung, Pou-Chun and Zhang, Xianling and Skinner, Katherine A and Jaipuria, Nikita},
          booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
          journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2412.15447},

SAD-GS: Shape-aligned Depth-supervised Gaussian Splatting
Pou-Chun Kung, Seth Isaacson, Ram Vasudevan, and Katherine A. Skinner
CVPR 2024 Workshop, Seattle

abstract | bibtex | paper | project page

          title={SAD-GS: Shape-aligned Depth-supervised Gaussian Splatting},
          author={Kung, Pou-Chun and Isaacson, Seth and Vasudevan, Ram and Skinner, Katherine A},
          booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},

LONER: LiDAR Only Neural Representations for Real-Time SLAM
Seth Isaacson*, Pou-Chun Kung*, Ram Vasudevan, and Katherine A. Skinner
RA-L 2023, Best Paper Award!
Presented in ICRA 2024 Yokohama

abstract | bibtex | arXiv | project page

          title={Loner: Lidar only neural representations for real-time slam},
          author={Isaacson, Seth and Kung, Pou-Chun and Ramanagopal, Mani and Vasudevan, Ram and Skinner, Katherine A},
          journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},

Radar Occupancy Prediction with Lidar Supervision while Preserving Long-Range Sensing and Penetrating Capabilities
Pou-Chun Kung, Chieh-Chih Wang, Wen-Chieh Lin
RA-L 2022, Philadelphia

abstract | bibtex | arXiv | video

          Author = {Pou-Chun Kung and
                    Chieh-Chih Wang and
                    Wen-Chieh Lin},
          Title = {Radar Occupancy Prediction with Lidar Supervision while Preserving Long-Range Sensing and Penetrating Capabilities},
          Booktitle = {arXiv:2112.04282}

A Normal Distribution Transform-Based Radar Odometry Designed For Scanning and Automotive Radars
Pou-Chun Kung, Chieh-Chih Wang, Wen-Chieh Lin
ICRA 2021, Xi'an

abstract | bibtex | arXiv | video | presentation

              Author = {Pou-Chun Kung and
                        Chieh-Chih Wang and
                        Wen-Chieh Lin},
              Title = {A Normal Distribution Transform-Based Radar Odometry Designed For Scanning and Automotive Radars},
              Booktitle = {ICRA},
              Year = {2021}

LiDAR-Supervised Gaussian Splatting Data Synthesis
Latitude AI
Worked under Nikita Jaipuria


Target 3D Shape Estimation from a Low-Cost 4D Radar Module
Chien-Cheng Fang, Pou-Chun Kung, Chieh-Chih Wang, Wen-Chieh Lin

abstract | video


Self-driving Car Sensor Setup and Data Collection
Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) Self-driving Car Team
Supervised by Chieh-Chih Wang
Collaborated with Sheng-Cheng Lee


sym sym

Lidar Odometry with Pose Graph Optimization
UCSD summer internship project
Advised by Prof. Nikolay Atanasov

abstract | webpage | video | slide | code


ROS2.0 ROScube-X product testing and user's manual writing
Case job at ADLink

sym sym

KnightCar: low-cost ROS autonomous platform
Side project
Cooparated with Wei-Zhi Lin at INIKI ELECTRONICS CO. LTD. to commercialize KnightCar

abstract | product webpage | video | code

sym sym

ARDrone Indoor 3D Mapping and Navigation with LSD-SLAM
Undergraduate project
Advised by Prof. Kao-Shing Hwang

abstract | webpage | video | code


ARDrone Face Recognition, Classification, and Tracking
Undergraduate project
Advised by Prof. Kao-Shing Hwang



Spring 2021,      TA, Human Centric Computing, NYCU

Fall 2020,            TA, Self-Driving Cars, NYCU

Spring 2020,       TA, Human Centric Computing, NYCU

  Honors & Awards

Nov 2024,       Recipient of Rackham International Students Fellowship/Chia-Lun Lo Fellowship

April 2024,      RA-L'23 Best Paper Award - Standing out among over 1,200 accepted papers

Spring 2021,  Recipient of The Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor - Only award to 130 students every year (<0.4%)

Fall 2020,        NYCU Academic Achievement Award - Ranked 1st in a semester

Spring 2020,  NYCU Academic Achievement Award - Ranked 1st in a semester

Fall 2019,        NYCU Academic Achievement Award - Ranked 1st in a semester

Fall 2018,        NSYSU College of Engineering Project Champion - First place out of 26 teams

Fall 2018,        NSYSU Excellent Student Award - Top 3 students in a semester

Spring 2017,  NSYSU Excellent Student Award - Top 3 students in a semester

A huge thanks to template from this.